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Premium Domain Names
Domain Buffs covers the speculation of, and the investment in, premium domain names. Premium domain names can be type-in domains, generic keyword names, high traffic domain names or highly sought brand name domains.
Type-in Names
Type-in domains are frequently used common search terms, generic dictionary words and well-publicized brands. Often used terms and short phrases could also be considered type-ins. The term 'type-ins' gets its name from when someone simply types in a domain name such as sunglasses.com to go find some sunglasses. Other examples of type-ins are sofa.com, bed.com, car.com, webdesign.com, and even include brands such as ford.com, gm.com, ikea.com.
Someone is familiar with these sites, names, keywords, terms, services or brands, so he expects a certain kind of content at certain domain names.
Generic Keyword Names
Generic keyword domain names are really the equivalent of a search term. Although most (unbranded) type-in domain names can be considered a keyword domain name, these search phrase domain names often include more than one word, mirroring the terms we use when we look for certain things on the internet using search terms.
Search engines like the powerful Google & Bing engines match how many times a search term is used throughout a resource, including not only the document itself, but the title, meta tags, file path, and that includes the URL with its domain name and filename. These large search engines are huge marketing platforms for their respective companies (Google for Alphabet and Bing for Microsoft). These corporations use the listing service to show adverting and make revenue from publishing ads. By measuring how a search term is used, how often, and where (including how many authentic resources point to a particular resource and the search terms used), the search assigns an importance value to each page and ranks it according to its perceived importance for each search. There is nothing more important than the search keyword showing in a domain, which generic domains easily accommodate.
Generic Search Terms
An example of generic keyword names is 'ApacheWebsiteHosting.com', because if you used generic search terms to find a web host that specialized in offering an Apache web server based web hosting platform, you might use the keywords 'apache website hosting', 'apache web hosting', or 'apache site host' in order to find a qualified site in the search engines. Having these keywords in the domain name shows the search engines that the registrant has used an extra effort by securing these keywords, as long as that is what the site is about.
The major search engines have their own 'spiders', which are program bots which crawl the web looking at pages and where they lead to, thereby often discovering new pages. As they see new links, they follow them (unless directed not to do so by "no-follow" directives), finding new pages and discovering how many resources are interconnected.
Minor search engines such as Active Search Results use the same sort of sophisticated generic search term relevance on the page or site in question, but instead of spidering the entire web, only spiders member sites and relies primarily on member activity to rank importance. However, a listing in such places is still important because the Google and Bing bots see the resource as a marketed property with a global web presence. Such member search engines and directories do sway how Google & Bing make online documents when they figure in their interconnectivity and who among the sites recommending a resource is an authority website.
Brand Names
Certain names are familiar to us as brands which we commonly use and search for. However, most brands are not so well known, except in their communities that they service. Growing that service area is what makes a brand more well known, but does come at the cost of becoming a generality, and thus harder to protect. One example is Kleenex, which is an extremely well-known brand that has been directly linked to the word tissue as an alternate term.
Certainly, this sort of a well-known identity has great merit but does make the unique brand a little harder to protect when the brand manager does a search for the brand name and finds generic references to it, making his job of protecting the brand more of a team effort. But, what a nice problem to have. ;)
High Traffic Names
High traffic domain names have had a great deal of promotion and therefore see a great deal of traffic. These could be repurposed domain names that have expired, is well promoted and/or marketed, or simply a very active website because it is a popular type-in name or holds respect within an online community.
Many domainers will grab high traffic or well-ranked domain names that recently harbored active websites and repurpose them to suit their own needs. In some cases, a whole new website may develop, while other domainers just utilize the traffic to the name to establish traffic on another related name with a simple redirect. But redirected, or forwarded domain names don't usually retain their traffic numbers and can be considered throw-away names that the registrant does not expect to renew.
However, a high traffic domain name does not have to be a type-in, generic keywords name or even a brand name. With marketing expertise and the right combination of time and money,
Expired or Deleted Domain Names
As mentioned before, an expired or deleted domain name can be repurposed as the basis of a new website, or be used to funnel existing traffic to that domain to another by simply forwarding the traffic with a simple redirect. Many empires have been built using this method, but one word of caution, not all websites are favored well. That is, many domain names are used for notorious, even nefarious, purposes. Domains are used to spread malware and viruses, used for hacking or Copyright violations all the time. This practice is growing, so be careful and be sure to research any expired or deleted domain names you might be shopping by researching the domain name in the Wayback Machine at Archive.org.
In any case, Google is one of the major search engines that keeps a close eye on the length of registration and expiration of domain names. Once a domain name has expired and changes hands through one of the expired/deleted domain name pool services, Google will restart its PageRank and results ranking algorithms as it concerns that domain. Yet, popular domains can actually generate enough traffic on their own to circumvent these few months of ranking penalties.
TLD stands for Top Level Domain. There are two kinds of TLDs, the gTLD and the ccTLD. These represent different registries of name extensions, indicated by their suffix. In an oversimplification, a domain name registry is an official, protected safe house database of registered names per extension.
gTLD stands for Generic Top Level Domain. Examples are .com, .net, .org, .int, .edu, .mil, & .gov. These listed are also some of the eldest domain name extensions from when the internet was created by scientists and teachers. Each domain name suffix is a reserved extension that represents a different registry of domain names. Generic Top Level Domain name extensions are also often to as Global Top Level Domains.
ccTLD stands for Country Code Top Level Domain. Examples are .us, .uk, .ca, .de, .fr, .it, .se, .ch, .hk, and many more. These are defined by the official 2 letter internationalized country code for each domain name registry.
ICANN is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. ICANN acts as the internet's governing body and authorizes registries, registrars and pays attention to the internet's infrastructure and how the internet is used. It is also the commanding authority over domain names. There is quite a bit of politics involved as well, too much for the scope of these domainer definitions.
New 'ICANN Era' Domains
ICANN has authorized a wide variety of new gTLD registries, recently. In just about the past year (as of 4/17/2015), ICANN has authorized, rolled-out and released over a couple hundred new domain name extensions, with many more yet to be released.
This was ICANN's answer to help alleviate the limited number of names available when there are so many different markets that can share the same name. Examples of the New ICANN Era domains include .domains, .host, .hosting, .press, .club, .rocks, .website, .company, .firm, .credit, .creditcard, .creditcards, .directory, .gallery, .photography, .photo, .photos, .graphics... and that list goes on.
The idea is further complicated by unrealistically high annual registration free costs for most of these names, especially when a domain extension market commands a higher price to professionals (.doctor, .lawyer). The high registration costs are supposed to thwart speculators from registering good names, but ICANN itself has replaced the small business domainer model itself by offering 'premium domain names' in its own registration marketing scam that neither promotes small business nor allows the competition for names or fair trade thereof.
While I feel that having more registries is a good thing, the people responsible for some of these registries definitely tip scales in their favor. For example, Google owns .search and Amazon owns the .buy registries. So now the domain name game has shifted into big business, as it requires quite an investment to start a registry as opposed to a domain name collection. And the new registries are not too collectible when everyone prefers the cheaper prices of .com and .net registrations, as opposed to the higher costs of the New ICANN Era gTLDs.
What's more is that these new registries also offer "Premium Domain Name Registrations". These premium names are reserved available domain names that no one has registered and yet require an increased registration and renewal fee. This is highly unusual, as when you purchase a good premium .com or .net domain name from a private party, you pay top fee for the desired name depending on how good it is, and how important it is to you. This price is usually negotiated between the buyer and seller. Once sold, the domain name is then registered at the regular priced annual rate fee.
Unfortunately, now that ICANN has stepped in as the governing corporate body, it is no longer a neutral party as it has an investment in rolling out domain registries with distinctly overpriced higher fee names. It does, in fact, become a gold digger itself by reserving certain names as premium names and charging domainer prices for them. Yet, not to be out-done, ICANN takes this horrendous policy a step further and requires that these premium names from its identified reserved type-in and generic names list to a whole new level by requiring that same registration fee payment at each annual renewal.
As far as I am concerned, ICANN is stifling small business by putting a price tag on domains. And to register a brand costs a pretty penny as well, and even then they do not protect that brand or thwart registration of that name as a domain, they simply present the info to the new registrant and make them aware of the mark before they are allowed to continue the registration.
ICANN has really dropped the ball where it comes to small business, and in my view is managing to steer us all clear of anything but a .com, .net, or .org extension.
The current list of available new 'ICANN Era' domain extensions follows (a-z):
.academy :: recruit new students with .academy
.accountant :: calculate success with .accountant
.accountants :: .accountants make it all add up
.actor :: .actor portfolio shows you’re perfect for the part
.adult :: .adult is specifically for grown-ups to have fun
.agency :: use .agency to represent your clientel online
.airforce :: share your .airforce pride with .airforce
.amsterdam :: there's no city on earth like .amsterdam
.apartments :: put your .apartments rental website to work
.archi :: .archi is the architect's space online
.army :: show your stripes with .army
.associates :: team up with .associates
.attorney :: make your case with .attorney
.auction :: find serious bidders using .auction
.audio :: get a great-sounding .audio
.auto :: show them your specialty with .auto
.band :: grow your fan base with a .band
.bar :: find the perfect .bar domain name
.bargains :: everyone loves .bargains
.bayern :: fc/city .Bayern
.beer :: three cheers for .beer
.berlin :: cater to millions in Germany with .Berlin
.best :: everyone wants the .best
.bid :: going once, going twice, .bid!
.bike :: join the ride with .bike
.bingo :: share the fun with .bingo
.bio :: your .bio tells your story OR that you grow/sell organic
.biz :: an easily typed domain that means business
.black :: give your site effortless chic with .black
.blackfriday :: show best doorbuster deals with .blackfriday
.blue :: show your true color with .blue
.boutique :: .boutique shows off your exclusives
.build :: tell them what you .build
.builders :: build your client base with .builders
.business :: tell the world you mean .business
.buzz :: start an online .buzz
.cab :: .cab will take you places
.cafe :: step into your new .cafe
.camera :: focus your website on .camera
.camp :: .camp spells adventure
.capital :: attract clients with .capital
.car :: attract new .car buyers
.cards :: use .cards for playing all sorts of games
.care :: heal the world with .care
.careers :: put .careers to work for you
.cars :: sell automotive buyers your .cars
.casa :: make .casa your home online
.cash :: bring them in with .cash
.casino :: .casino is always a safe bet
.catering :: deliver delicious with .catering
.center :: draw them in with .center
.ceo :: .ceo tells everyone that you're in charge
.chat :: give them something to .chat about
.cheap :: sell your savings with .cheap
.christmas :: spread cheer year-round with .Christmas
.church :: bring your .church together online
.city :: speak to .city dwellers on the web
.claims :: handle their .claims online
.cleaning :: build a spotless reputation online with .cleaning
.click :: join the .click nation
.clinic :: open your own .clinic on the web
.clothing :: .clothing never goes out of style
.cloud :: operate a .cloud hosting and sharing solution
.club :: get organized with .club.
.coach :: reach new recruits with a .coach website.
.codes :: .codes is your secret to online success.
.coffee :: the world runs on .coffee.
.college :: .college for a higher learning institution
.com :: the most popular domain! do you have yours?
.community :: build a .community online
.company :: .company says you're in business
.computer :: power up your business with .computer
.condos :: move more units with .condos
.construction :: lay a solid foundation with .construction
.consulting :: .consulting says knowledge
.contractors :: .contractors get the job done
.cooking :: what have you got .cooking?
.cool :: make sure your website is always .cool
.country :: keep it simple with .country
.coupons :: keep everyone up-to-date with new .coupons
.courses :: .courses will bring more students to your website
.credit :: find more borrowers with .credit
.creditcard :: get more .creditcard applications
.cricket :: raise your batting average - register .cricket
.cruises :: make waves online with .cruises
.cymru :: croeso i .cymru - Welch for "welcome to Wales"
.dance :: make your site move with .dance
.date :: .date says you're in it for love
.dating :: .dating. here's to your happily ever after
.deals :: sell more at your .deals website
.degree :: get ahead with .degree
.delivery :: tell them you offer .delivery
.democrat :: .democrat says you're true blue
.dental :: present a polished image with .dental
.dentist :: build a healthy practice with .dentist
.desi :: .desi tells the world who you are
.design :: .design is the creative's space
.diamonds :: dazzle them with .diamonds
.diet :: serve up a healthy .diet online
.digital :: just the place for a .digital life
.direct :: .direct means there's no middleman
.directory :: .directory means online listings
.discount :: help shoppers pinch pennies with .discount
.dog :: be the top .dog
.domains :: the future looks bright for .domains
.download :: get up on .download
.earth :: educate the planet about .Earth
.education :: hold class anywhere with .education
.email :: .email delivers
.energy :: .energy keeps the lights on
.engineer :: promote your skills with .engineer
.engineering :: .engineering solves problems
.enterprises :: say you mean business with .enterprises
.equipment :: .equipment says you've got the goods
.estate :: plan ahead with .estate
.events :: sell more tickets with .events
.exchange :: trade up to .exchange
.expert :: share your knowledge with .expert answers
.exposed :: .exposed is sensational
.express :: take the .express route
.fail :: make them laugh with .fail
.faith :: gather your flock with .faith
.family :: nothing is more important than .family
.fans :: give your .fans some love
.farm :: .farm says you work the land
.fashion :: make a statement with .fashion
.film :: two thumbs up for .film
.finance :: get a better rate of return with .finance
.financial :: .financial says you manage money
.fish :: reel them in with .fish
.fishing :: catch more customers with .fishing
.fit :: the global exercise market finally gets .fit
.fitness :: pump up your business with .fitness
.flights :: watch your business take off with .flights
.florist :: grow your business with .florist
.flowers :: .flowers can brighten anyone's day
.football :: .football is in play
.forsale :: sell it yourself with .forsale
.foundation :: improve the world with .foundation
.fund :: increase your net worth with .fund
.furniture :: make yourself at home online with .furniture
.futbol :: score big with .futbol
.fyi :: for your information: .fyi
.gallery :: open your own virtual .gallery
.garden :: see your business take root with .garden
.gift :: make someone's day with a .gift
.gifts :: .gifts says you have the perfect thing
.gives :: lend a hand with .gives
.glass :: .glass is the clear choice
.global :: .global says you're everywhere
.gold :: get the .gold standard
.golf :: take a swing with .golf
.graphics :: attract attention with .graphics
.gratis :: generate goodwill with .gratis
.green :: show your true colors with .green
.gripe :: let them unload at .gripe
.guide :: lead the way with .guide
.guitars :: tune up your web presence with .guitars
.guru :: offer guidance with .guru
.haus :: .haus tells germans "welcome home"
.healthcare :: share .healthcare on the web
.help :: a little .help goes a long way
.hiphop :: express yourself with .hiphop
.hiv :: help us turn the tide on .HIV
.hockey :: the .hockey clubhouse goes digital
.holdings :: take stock in .holdings
.holiday :: .holiday says 'start packing'
.horse :: saddle up for the web with .horse
.host :: .host is the isp's preferred choice
.hosting :: build the web with .hosting
.house :: build, inspect or sell with .house
.immo :: move more properties in europe with .immo
.immobilien :: .immobilien means real estate in german
.industries :: .industries says you produce
.info :: put your information on the web
.ink :: find the perfect .ink domain name
.institute :: .institute commands respect
.insure :: sell more policies with .insure
.international :: go global with .international
.investments :: tell them you handle .investments
.irish :: click me, I’m .Irish
.jewelry :: nothing says "I love you" like .jewelry
.jobs :: give job seekers a direct line to employment
.juegos :: we all play with .juegos (Hispanic for "games")
.kaufen :: sell to Germans with .kaufen ('to purchase/buy')
.kim :: claim your family name with .kim
.kitchen :: mix up a masterpiece with .kitchen
.kiwi :: score in New Zealand with .kiwi
.land :: stake your claim with .land
.lawyer :: .lawyer says you know the law
.lease :: .lease your own space on the web
.legal :: grow your practice with .legal
.lgbt :: celebrate diversity with .lgbt
.life :: keep it positive with .life
.lighting :: spotlight what you do with .lighting
.limited :: .limited says you're exclusive
.limo :: get them there in style with .limo
.link :: connect online with .link
.live :: .live video and conferencing broadcasts
.loan :: invest in something great with .loan
.loans :: find more borrowers with .loans
.lol :: .lol means laugh-out-loud funny
.london :: court 8 million shoppers with .London
.love :: there’s someone to .love for everyone
.ltda :: get the web address you want with .ltda
.luxury :: cater to the elite with .luxury
.maison :: make .maison your new home online
.management :: take charge with .management
.market :: .market is open around the clock
.marketing :: promote your services with .marketing
.mba :: Setup a Master's Bachelor of Arts program
.me :: a domain that's all about you
.media :: attract an audience with .media
.melbourne :: reach out to .Melbourne locals and tourists
.memorial :: get the word out with a .memorial
.men :: .men is the domain for dudes
.menu :: show diners what's cookin' with .menu
.miami :: the center of beach fun is .Miami
.mobi :: give customers on-the-go access to your site
.moda :: .moda says you love fashion in Spanish
.moe :: .moe means "passion" in Japanese
.money :: .money talks, others don't walk the walk
.mortgage :: close more sales with .mortgage
.movie :: showcase a .movie project or finished film
.nagoya :: say konnichiwa to .Nagoya
.navy :: tell the world you support or serve in the .Navy
.net :: the perfect complement to a .com
.network :: expand your .network online
.news :: .news you can trust
.ninja :: show off your .ninja skills
.nrw :: .NRW for North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
.nyc :: .NYC makes your address unmistakable
.okinawa :: introduce yourself to .Okinawa
.one :: there can be only .one
.onl :: .onl - the all-purpose web address
.online :: your .online window to the world
.org :: perfect for your non-profits
.paris :: market to .Paris, the city of light
.partners :: team up with .partners
.parts :: sell .parts on the web
.party :: get your .party started online
.photo :: get a .photo that clicks with clients
.photography :: increase your exposure with .photography
.photos :: sharpen your image with .photos
.pics :: capture your story with .pics
.pictures :: .pictures say it all
.pink :: think .pink
.pizza :: grab your .pizza while it's hot!
.place :: get your own .place on the web
.plumbing :: keep your business flowing with .plumbing
.plus :: add a .plus to the equation
.poker :: raise the stakes with a .poker domain
.porn :: .porn leaves nothing to the imagination
.press :: tell it like it is with .press
.pro :: a .pro domain for professionals & .pro businesses
.productions :: lights, camera, .productions!
.properties :: buy, sell or rent with .properties
.property :: claim your .property on the web
.protection :: private or software protection opportunity
.pub :: tell 'em what's on tap at your .pub
.qpon :: bargain hunt with .qpon ('Q'-pon, or coupon)
.quebec :: say bienvenue with .Quebec
.racing :: .racing domains are going fast
.recipes :: .recipes is where cooks gather online
.red :: heat up your website with .red
.rehab :: heal the world with .rehab
.reise :: attract German travelers with .reise ("travel")
.reisen :: satisfy their wanderlust with .reisen ("travel")
.rent :: .rent to own or just .rent
.rentals :: move your .rentals on the web
.repair :: fix it with .repair
.report :: offer details with .report
.republican :: join the debate with .republican
.rest :: find the perfect .rest domain name
.restaurant :: bring diners into your .restaurant
.review :: be the go-to source with .review
.reviews :: be the go-to source with .reviews
.rich :: .rich says you deal in wealth
.rip :: honor a loved one with .rip
.rocks :: tell the world what moves you with .rocks
.rodeo :: round 'em up online with .rodeo
.run :: get .run for a web address that goes the distance
.ryukyu :: attract locals and tourists in .Ryukyu
.sale :: make the .sale
.sarl :: .sarl says you're a licensed partnership
.school :: take your business to .school
.schule :: call German students to class with .schule
.science :: share your theories using .science
.security :: enhance your customers trust with .security
.services :: promote your .services on the web
.sex :: the domain that needs no description
.sexy :: turn heads with a .sexy domain name
.shiksha :: .shiksha spells learning in Hindi
.shoes :: get them the right fit with .shoes
.show :: it's .show time!
.singles :: find the perfect dating match with .singles
.site :: .site can be anything you want it to be
.ski :: from downhill to water-skiing, share your love with .ski
.soccer :: American .soccer is European futbol
.social :: say 'hello' and connect with .social
.software :: tell them you code and sell .software
.solar :: the future looks bright for .solar power
.solutions :: they have problems, but you have .solutions
.space :: claim your .space on the web
.studio :: establish your own art/design/recording .studio
.study :: study programs and courses, offer tutorials
.style :: show-off your .style, make a statement
.supplies :: keep the world stocked with .supplies
.supply :: equip your customers with .supply
.support :: offer them help using .support
.surf :: .surf says you live to .surf the perfect wave
.surgery :: expand your medical practice with .surgery
.sydney :: for Sydney, Australia, or people named Sydney
.systems :: develop a strong web presence with .systems
.tattoo :: ink your art with .tattoo
.tax :: expand your .tax business online
.taxi :: pick up more fares with .taxi
.team :: go .team, go!
.tech :: offer online .tech support for your business
.technology :: .technology will showcase your .technology
.tennis :: serve up .tennis lessons or .tennis information
.theater :: attract an American crowd with .theater.
.theatre :: attract a crowd with .theatre.
.tienda :: sell to Hispanics in your online 'store' with .tienda
.tips :: everyone needs .tips and .tips has the answers
.tires :: the transportation world runs on .tires
.today :: .today delivers your site's most up-to-date news
.tokyo :: court a world-class city with .tokyo
.tools :: craft a strong presence with the right .tools
.tours :: see it all, offer it all with .tours
.town :: be proactive in your own .town, offer your support
.toys :: have fun with .toys, the fun web address
.trade :: build exchanges and partnerships with .trade
.training :: teach and train the world with .training
.university :: .university is the place for higher education
.uno :: .uno says you’re #1, or that you are from UNO
.vacations :: offer .vacation packages and advice at .vacations
.vegas :: reach Las Vegas vacationers using .vegas
.ventures :: launch your next project with .ventures
.vet :: tell them you're a vet, or support the .vet
.viajes :: .viajes means "travel" in Spanish
.video :: be seen online with .video
.villas :: find more buyers or renters with .villas
.vin :: not just for vehicle identification numbers (wine)
.vision :: help them see clearly with .vision
.vodka :: neat or chilled, .vodka draws a party
.vote :: get out the .vote online, your call to duty
.voting :: measure public opinion with .voting
.voto :: bring Hispanics to the polls with .voto
.voyage :: .voyage let the adventure begin!
.wales :: fly the Wales flag with .Wales
.watch :: sell timepieces or security with .watch
.webcam :: .webcam brings people together
.website :: .website is your home online
.wedding :: share the good news with a .wedding site
.wiki :: share, collaborate and learn with .wiki
.win :: claim your title with a .win domain
.wine :: for wineries and wine labels
.work :: work gets the job done
.works :: .works to market your works
.world :: covering the world? .world is for you
.wtf :: .wtf says “you have to see this!”
.xxx :: for all of your adult needs
.xyz :: find the perfect .xyz domain name
.yoga :: help the world find harmony with .yoga
.yokohama :: make yourself at home in .yokohama
.zone :: get in the .zone
All of the available domain extensions are available at Domain Hostmaster.

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